Bring everyone along to see, do, and live better futures!
Together. With dialogical renewal and change management
Dialogic renewal and change leadership
Dazzle’s unique dialogic renewal and change leadership tools get people involved in an inspiring and impressive way. We work in close cooperation with our clients to ensure effectiveness, the best and practical solutions and a genuine renewal of the working culture.
With dialogical renewal:
Better strategy and better strategy implementation
Implement values so that they genuinely guide activities
Create a new operating culture
Develop a self-directing working culture
Increase understanding of the benefits of diversity and inclusion
Create an enabling management and leadership culture
More effective change management
Elements of renewal
Genuine renewal takes place through dialogue, experimentation, and learning. First, we need to understand rationally and emotionally why it is worth renewing in the first place and what renewal means for us, the company, our customers, and the world. In addition, you need the courage to try and learn new things and ways of working. This is supported by an encouraging and safe atmosphere and motivating follow-up. Dialogical renewal supports the elements above in an impressive and inspiring way.

Mind and heart
We need understanding and acceptance not only in our minds but also in our hearts.

Courage to experiment and learn
We need to encourage courage and create a safe atmosphere so that we can experiment and learn new ways of working.

Motivational follow-up
Motivational follow-up is needed so that the renewed ways of working take root in everyday life.
Dialogical renewal method
Dazzle’s special expertise is in the dialogical renewal method, processes, and tools that will bring systemic change to the organization and operating culture. Together! The dialogical renewal method can be implemented virtually, face-to-face, or hybrid.
Dazzle’s dialogic renewal and change management method:
Makes everyone an active participant in dialogue and change.
Scales flexibly from individual teams to the entire organization.
Brings about a genuine change in thinking and leaves a more lasting memory.
Easy to use internally in the organization by managers and experts (train-the-trainer).
Accelerates organizational change both effectively and cost-effectively.
Makes use of practical and inspiring peer learning.
Dialogue method
The dialogue method can be used to advance current and strategically important goals and themes for your organization.
The dialogue materials can be translated into different languages, resulting in a unified message and way of handling things throughout the organization.