Case Lindström Group: How can a global company reform in a cost-effective, agile and scalable way?
16.10.2018 Read how the customer experience development project was implemented in 24 different countries using Dazzle’s concept of dialogue renewal!

October 16, 2018
During the last year, Lindström Group has invested heavily in developing the customer experience. The development project intended for the entire staff gathered Lindström people working in different functions around the same table in 24 different countries. Dazzle facilitated the project, and the tools used were co-designed with Dazzle and Lindstrom representatives. Why did Lindström Group start the project, and how was it implemented?
“We strongly believe that satisfied personnel produce the best customer experience. The goal of our strategy is to become more customer-oriented and help our employees internalize what caring (We care) means in practice. Senior Vice President Jari Vihervuori from Lindström Group explains the development project.
Jari Vihervuori, who has had a long career in various positions at Lindström, is responsible not only for Baltic and Finnish business but also for HR at the whole group level, as well as developing the customer experience according to the vision.
“Lindström has invested in the service culture before, which is not new for us in that sense. Long-term customers have been valued throughout the company’s history. Now, however, we work for a growing international company that has entered the big market, and we have new employees all the time.”
“We believe in the Lindström way of working and want to implement it globally. Of course, the solutions may be different in different cultures, depending on the stage of market development. That’s what we’re looking for, that we could develop the service offering in each country according to what the customers’ needs are”, Jari Vihervuori describes the situation.

Dazzle facilitated the co-design process, where the entire project was developed together with Lindström representatives. The implementation and structure of three different workshops and the dialogue platforms used in them were first tested in Finland, India, and the Czech Republic. Based on the feedback received from the tests, the whole process and dialogue platforms were further refined and improved. After that, the dialogue platforms were translated into different languages, and facilitators selected from volunteers were trained via Skype to facilitate the dialogue workshops.

Customized and jointly designed dialogue platforms were used in the workshops. They were translated into 20 different languages so that employees could more easily discuss the topic in their native language.
Customized and jointly designed dialogue platforms were used in the workshops. They were translated into 20 different languages so that employees could more easily discuss the topic in their native language.
“The goal of the first workshop was to strengthen cooperation between different teams in Lindstrom. Therefore, groups were formed from a mix of employees working in different functions and professions. Their task was to understand what customer experience is in general, what benefits it has for different parties, and what it means in their own work. With the help of the dialogue platform, we focused on the different stages of the customer path and the feeling that we wanted to evoke in the customer,” describes Heli Vähätiitto from Dazzle.
In the second workshop, the supervisors deepened the theme with their own team. The goal was to agree as a team on how to advance the agreed matters and to decide what to focus on. During this type of workshop, each participant takes turns leading the conversation so that no one in the group remains a free rider.
“When everyone participates actively, it builds commitment. When you want genuine change, everything that happens between and after the workshops is also important,” emphasizes Heli Vähätiitto.
In the second workshop, each team agreed on how they will enhance a better customer experience in practice and what they intend to focus on. The follow-up workshops of the third phase will be implemented this fall.
In order to monitor the project and motivate the employees, a gamified view was created on Lindström’s intranet with BEL Solutions. The view shows, in a fun visualization, for example, which country is leading the competition, how excited the teams are, or how many of the intended tasks have been implemented. In this way, feedback also from superiors can be collected easily.

In the first phase, the participation rate of the teams was 80%, which quality expert Kati Guttormsen-Rajala thinks can be considered a good achievement. He has experience in many types of implementation projects at Lindström Group.
“It is challenging to get employees who work in shifts, production and distribution service, to attend the workshops when someone always has to keep the wheels turning. However, It is important for everyone to get an overall picture of what is done in the company and to realize what the work of others is like and how one’s own work affects the whole.”
“The most significant result was that the importance of cooperation was realized. Just getting to know people who do different types of work and their job descriptions was the most rewarding, according to the supervisors’ feedback. It broadened the concept of doing things together and gave an understanding of the significance of one’s part in it. Many people doing different jobs sat at the same table for the first time. The workshops and methods were also praised in the feedback,” says Kati Guttormsen-Rajala.
According to Kati’s observations, getting to concrete matters with your own team in the second workshop is already a degree more difficult. “It is easy to get to the point of what we think, but we should still be able to take the next step, i.e., how to advance customer focus as a team in practice.”
Jari Vihervuori participated in the pilot phase of the workshops, improving the content and the actual workshops.
“Developing the customer experience is close to my heart, and it was really rewarding to be able to discuss it with others at the workshop.”

”Lindström Group’s global customer experience development project for the entire staff was rolled out in a year. The fast timeframe brings challenges to the development work, but will it get better if the schedule is stretched”, asks project manager Kati Guttormsen-Rajala. “We already had good experiences with gamification, and that’s why we wanted to return to it.”
Industry: Work clothes, carpets, hygiene, industrial towels, restaurant textiles, and personal protective equipment services for companies.
Turnover: EUR 358 million (2017)
Domain: 24 countries in Europe and Asia
Employees: about 4,000
Founded in Helsinki 1848 (Carl August Lindström)